by Hannah McInerney
Senior Content Manager
by Hannah McInerney
Senior Content Manager
Let��s face it, whether you are a trainer or a trainee, we have all experienced that what we learn fades away over time. This is particularly evident if it��s a subject that we don��t revisit very often.
In this era of information overload, our brains need to ��offload�� information that we don��t use regularly to make space for new learning, so naturally it��s important to refresh our memories on topics that we don��t make use of routinely.
This is where refresher training comes in. Not only does it provide an opportunity to brush up on existing knowledge as a trainee, but it also provides time for the trainer, or the learning and development team, to review the existing training content to ensure any obsolete or outdated information is changed and updated accordingly.
So, what is Refresher Training exactly?
As the name suggests, refresher training enables a recap on the knowledge that learners have previously covered. It is particularly beneficial for organisations when it comes to compliance training or any training that has specific annual or periodic retraining requirements.
At iGaming Academy our refresher training begins with testing the trainee��s existing knowledge using a pre-assessment. The pre-assessment determines whether the trainee has retained sufficient knowledge of the topic and can complete a condensed version of the training or not. Should the trainee be successful, they will continue to the refresher training which consists of the most critical information, including any relevant updates, that they would be required to know for the coming year. If the trainee is unsuccessful in passing the pre-assessment, this would indicate that they would need to review the full training again to ensure all relevant and necessary information is retrained and memorised.
What are the benefits of Refresher Training?
Refresher training has many benefits for organisations and their employees. Some advantages and direct benefits include:
Reinforcing regular refresher training within your organisation will not only aid in employee satisfaction, but it will also protect your brand from any potential compliance risks. At iGaming Academy, we offer refresher training for our main compliance courses. Check out our suite of compliance courses here and get in touch with us to discuss your refresher training needs.
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]]>Gabriella Rizzo
Head of Content
Anyone working in Learning and Development will be familiar with the term ��Subject Matter Expert�� or ��SME�� for short. Essentially, the term describes an individual who is highly knowledgeable within their area of expertise. As a training company to the gaming industry, we at iGaming Academy, work both with inhouse SMEs, who form part of our full time eLearning and Development Team, and external SMEs, who are leading experts in the gaming industry.
The SME��s role in creating learning content is vital in the development and ongoing management of effective eLearning courses, and the way we, as Instructional Designers, work with our SMEs is crucial for us to ensure we deliver a high-quality product perfectly curated to suit our target audience��s learning requirements.
When working with industry experts, you must bear in mind they are busy people and being an SME is usually not their primary job. Therefore, being structured and organised in your approach with how you work with an SME, will help to ensure you get the most from their time.
iGaming Academy��s eLearning and Development Team’s top 5 tips on how to work with SMEs:
For us at iGaming Academy, putting the above tips into practice coupled with SMEs who have proven experience and come highly qualified in their domain, is how we have been successful in positioning ourselves as the leading training provider to the Gaming industry by delivering compliance training that is relevant to our clients�� operational requirements.
Contact us?to learn about our suite of compliance courses.
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]]>The field of compliance is continuing to grow in iGaming, in response to the ever evolving complexities of gaming regulations. It can be difficult to stay organized without a proper system in place to protect the business.
As part of our recent webinar on iGaming Audits, compliance expert Barnabe Robinson shared insights on how to minimise compliance risks, through tight organisation.
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Compliance Tips To Prepare Your Gaming Business For Audit
How Does The UKGC Choose Who To Investigate, And What Are The Risks?
Available Now: iGaming Audits Webinar Recording
The 6 P��s of compliance
Preparation, Preparation, Preparation, Process, Policy and Procedure �C Being prepared is everything according to Barnabe, who recommends keeping an archive or library, to hold records of anything related to processes policies or procedures.
The three lines of defense model
Barnabe emphasised the importance of using the thee lines of defense model in your compliance protocols, in order to demonstrate satisfactory compliance to auditors.
What is the three lines of defense model?
First line:?Primary responsibility for managing organisational risks through designing and implementing appropriate mitigating controls rests with operational management who own and manage risks.
Second line: Reporting to senior management, the second line comprises risk management and compliance functions to help build and/or monitor the first line of defence controls.
Risk management functions are designed to facilitate and monitor the implementation of effective risk management practices by management throughout the organisation, assisting risk owners in defining target risk exposure and providing adequate risk reporting.? The principal purpose of compliance functions is to monitor compliance with applicable laws and regulations.? It is common for multiple compliance teams to operate within an organisation, with responsibility in areas such as health & safety, human resources, legal, supply chain, environmental or quality.
Third line:?The principal function of the third line is to provide risk assurance. Internal audit provides assurance on the effectiveness of governance, risk management and internal controls, including first and second line controls. Internal audit is independent of management with a direct reporting line to the?Governing body/ Audit Committee.
Hold Mock audits
Run fake audits to keep your team on their toes, and to stress test your compliance framework. Mock audits should be built into your existing 3 lines of defence model.
Want to learn more????
To watch the full 1-hour recorded webinar on ��iGaming Audits: How?To?Survive Thrive��, fill the form below:?
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]]>Hannah McInerney
Senior Content Manager
There��s nothing more stressful than a surprise visit from an auditor so it��s important that auditees have easily accessible training data to present when it comes to their training requirements. Companies need to be able to prove that training has been delivered and affirmed by learners and this is easily done by iGaming Academy��s courses and the report section of our LMS.
Our courses include:
Reporting section:
The Learning Path Activity Report for all courses
Assessment Diagnostic Report
Certificate Reports
Email Reports
Custom Reports
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]]>The post Exclusive Report: Blockchain In Business – Professional Insights 2019 appeared first on iGaming Academy.
]]>This exclusive report examines the current state of blockchain in business �C including its investment opportunities, skills shortage, and overall awareness �C based on responses from over 300 professionals surveyed in our Global Blockchain Survey earlier this year.
Blockchain Academy’s James Lephew said: “We’ve determined that there is a real shortage in skill sets for blockchain, running alongside an ever-greater desire from businesses to understand and implement it. This report provides a clear picture of how professionals are involved with this new technology.”
Blockchain In Business can be downloaded [FREE] at:
The Blockchain In Business report includes original insight on:
Digital change implementation and knowledge sharing
Essential training for businesses implementing blockchain technology
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]]>The post US Sportsbook: Primary Opportunities and Key Considerations – Ross Phillips appeared first on iGaming Academy.
]]>The biggest opportunities come in the form of partnerships between established bricks and mortar casinos and market-leading digital mobile platform providers. In states such as New Jersey/Nevada, the explosive growth of the Sportsbook market has led many to seek a slice of this pie.
Prospective business need to have a customer-centric focus underpinned by the following key criteria:
15,16 & 17 May 2019 | Malta |?Examining the US sports betting market post-PASPA: a high level overview covering the US regulatory landscape, key product strategies and operational structures that underpin success | Book Now
US Sportsbook MasterclassRoss has over 15 years in the Betting and Gaming Industry. He worked at Paddy Power Betfair holding senior positions across B2B and Risk & Trading successfully delivering Sportsbook product and services across multiple jurisdictions. Achieved through in-depth Risk & Trading managements, Operations & Product management skills and International Account Management. Responsible for transfer business of needs to technical experts underpinned by business insights & analytics and project management skills with focus on automation, AI and efficient business processes.
The post US Sportsbook: Primary Opportunities and Key Considerations – Ross Phillips appeared first on iGaming Academy.